Joke Quiz
This is a small project I made in the course JavaScript 4 at Nackademin. The mission was to first build an app, then write tests for it and set up automatic tests with CI/CD.
The app itself is a quiz game where you get the premiss and then you guess the punchline. All the jokes are fetched from a Official Joke API. It's built with React.
Project that i made during the course Frontend Projects at Nackademin. The mission was to create a web app for the fictive company Bostadskollen. The app calculates estimated value increase on a residence for the upcoming 5 years. It's limited to three areas and the calculations should not be trusted, cause they don't resemble real life.
This app i put together to keep track of internships I've applied for. And at the same time practice some JavaScripting. There's no database involved and it's built using Web Storage API. It's possible to import and export the list as CSV to be able to use the app in other browsers or places.